In our Monthly Ritual Report we tune into the astrological energies of the month, and at times, internationally and nationally celebrated days. Through these understandings we can spark inspiration and create cacao rituals that help us align with the natural cycles of the Earth.
In addition, we recommend specific cacaos to support your intentions on these special days.
Each day is an opportunity to go deeper with your ritual by dedicating more time, planning a more involved ritual, perhaps increasing your cacao dose, or planning ahead for a group ritual with friends, loved ones, and the larger community.
How will you make your rituals authentic to you this month?
Let us know! We look forward to hearing from you.
February Ritual Report
- Monday, February 14th | Valentine's Day
- Wednesday, February 16th | Full Moon in Leo
- Monday, February 21st | International Mother Language Day
Monday, February 14th | Valentine's Day
Do you happen to know the origins of this famous day of love-giving and sharing?
There are two places from which this celebrated day is said to originate. The oldest origin is one rooted in paganism from the times of Ancient Rome. Between the days of February 13th-15th, ritual acts were performed to call in fertility and welcome in spring. It is believed that later on, the Christian church adopted St. Valentine's day to wash away traces of the festival mentioned above. The story of St. Valentine goes that young men were banned from marriage by Emperor Claudius II as he thought single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families. So, against the Emperor's harsh ban, Valentine continued to marry young lovers in secret. You can read more in-depth about the history of Valentine's day here.
Regardless of the origins, on this day, we can tune into the energy of love, and the blessing of Springtime. Opening. Blossoming. Flourishing. All the things cacao can bring to our lives and hearts. Drinking your cacao on this day, you can intend to honor the shift in seasons and pay homage to cacao as a symbol of love by sharing it with a loved one, be it a romantic partner, friend, or family member. Tantric Rose is perfect for this occasion. As we shared in last year's Valentine's Day Newsletter, even though cacao on its own is very heart opening, we've always noticed an extra effect from Tantric Rose Blossom. It is potent, sensual, and heart-opening!
And what's more, the bio-electrical frequency of plant compounds can be measured, and rose is by far the highest, at 320MHz. Therefore, ingesting these high-frequency plant compounds raises the body's overall frequency.
Here's a special Valentine's cacao ceremony ritual in collaboration with Couples Cacao.

Wednesday, February 16th | Full Moon in Leo
Full moons are all about letting go, releasing, and varying degrees of liberation. The sun in Aquarius will illuminate the Moon in Leo at 11:56am ET, igniting our passion and inner world. Leo is the lion, and in its highest expression, the lion is courageous, a leader, self-determined, and a master of self. According to Ron Thurlow, Ph.D., Esoteric Astrologer, "the Leo full moon supports us in going deeper into our consciousness to discover our Soul's purpose for this lifetime." So, take this marvelous lunation as an opportunity to sit with an igniting cup of cacao like Vibrant Vitality to stoke the fire of your heart. Reflect on the following prompts:
- In what ways am I ready to "leave the nest"?
- What are the virtues within me that I now wish to spotlight?
- Is there anything I've been holding onto that keeps me from my creative liberation? If so, what can I do in this moment to let go?
Monday, February 21st | International Mother Language Day
Languages hold the key to the cultures and histories from which they come. Without them, knowledge is lost. For example, there are words in certain languages that don't exist in others as they are representative of the culture. Language also directs us to anthropology! It's of vital importance to preserve Indigenous languages now more than ever as varying languages have become extinct - this means vast amounts of knowledge about the history of peoples have been lost. So, as you sip on your favorite cup of cacao today, take some time to research the origins of your native tongue, it's histories and the gems of wisdom that are held within etymology.
Cacao blessings,
Jonas & The Ora Cacao Family
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