With Father’s Day this coming Sunday, we have the opportunity not only to celebrate the fathers and father-like figures in our lives, but also to celebrate the masculine archetypes in our life and within us.
In honor of Father’s Day, we’re sharing ways to connect with universal divine masculine and father archetypes, as well as a Father’s Day Cacao Ritual you can do alone or share with others during your celebrations.
Also, remember to mark your calendar: our Cacao Ceremony Facilitation Course opens for enrollment this Friday, June 14th!
The Father & Divine Masculine Archetypes
We humans are beings that contain multitudes within us. We all carry some composite of masculine and feminine qualities that have a variety of expressions. The father archetype is one expression of masculine energy.
Archetypes are themed energies and embodiments that exist in the story realms and inform our entire reality. The archetype of the father is the sustainer, protector, and supporter of life. The Divine Masculine is the clear focal point of conscious awareness that witnesses and beholds the Divine Feminine in flow and motion.
We might identify more closely with certain archetypes than others, and we can step into archetypal roles in different seasons of our life. In psychological parts work, we each contain a father part inside of us that we can nurture to parent ourselves and support our growth. Many indigenous cultures acknowledge that we humans are born from the creation of Mother Earth and Father Sky. Mother Earth below us feeds and nourishes us while Father Sky above inspires and supports us.
When we consider all these concepts together, we can acknowledge that our sense of father extends far beyond the one who birthed us into existence and is rather woven through all existence. Therefore, we’re not limited to celebrating individual human roles, but also invited to celebrate the father principle as it moves through the universe and supports us.
Father’s Day Cacao Pick
We suggest tuning in with Vibrant Vitality to connect to the strengthening and stamina building properties of the masculine. You can enjoy this cacao for Father’s Day or any time you are wanting to call in more of the divine masculine archetype into your life.
Shop Vibrant Vitality

Father’s Day Cacao Ritual
With your cacao prepared, the following ritual can be offered to the father folks in your life or with yourself to connect to the father archetype within you.
This ritual can be adapted for a group container or for solo use. If solo, simply apply the invitations to your own personal reflections of the father figures in your life and integrate with the journal prompts below.

Prepare a space to share a cacao ritual by tidying, smudging, and doing any other energetic clearing that feels good. Mix your cacao with loving intention. Take a moment to breathe deeply and connect with your body and present moment awareness. Acknowledge with gratitude the cacao, the lands, and the peoples that steward this medicine.
- Create a place of honor for the father(s) and gather together in a circle. Acknowledge by name the father folks you are honoring at this occasion, whether they are present in body or in spirit.
- Invite anyone who is joining to come prepared with heartful words they’d like to share in the circle about the father figure(s) you are celebrating.
- Give an opportunity for each person present to share words of affirmation and acknowledgment to the father(s).After each person speaks, raise your cups and take a sip of cacao, savoring the love therein.
- After everyone else has shared, give the father(s) an opportunity to share from their heart what fatherhood has brought to their life.
- When everyone has completed their shares, offer a portion of your remaining cacao to the earth/altar, giving thanks to the father principles of the universe that support us.
Reflective Journal Prompts:
These prompts can be offered to the group but are especially helpful to integrate your solo ritual.
- What is my relationship with the Divine Masculine?
- Who are the father figures in my life that I want to acknowledge?
- What have they offered to my life that I value?
- Is there anything I am preparing to release or forgive?
- How do I take care to be a good father to myself?
Holding you and all your relations in love!