Did you know that 50% of the American population is deficient in Vitamin A, C, and in magnesium? And that 70% of Americans are even deficient in calcium?

In a world in which many soils are depleted and where eating processed food is prevalent, many people are not getting the nutrients they need from their diet. This can cause all sorts of illness. This is why it is so important to eat from organic and local farms, and to get your food from places where regenerative practices are in use that are breathing life back into our soils.

So what does this have to do with cacao?

Well, when cacao is grown sustainably and on healthy soil like on the farms we partner with, cacao is a power-packed seed that can replenish the minerals that so many of us are missing.

For example, magnesium is chronically deficient in the majority of western diets, and cacao is the highest naturally occurring source! Magnesium is a catalyst in many key brain functions, especially memory and concentration. It is also beneficial for the functioning of the heart, acting to relax blood vessels and decrease strain.

Cacao is also high in copper which is needed for healthy brain development and helps maintain a healthy nervous and immune system.

Besides this, cacao is the highest naturally occurring source of chromium and you can find calcium, manganese, zinc, sulfur, and iron as well. 

Suffice to say, a nice cup of cacao can be wonderful if you’re looking to replenish the minerals in your body!

Have plans on Tuesday?

Join us for our weekly virtual cacao ceremonies.

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