Full Moon in Pisces 

We love to tune into the energy of the full moon by reflecting on what has come to fullness in our life, in a sentiment of both celebration as well as release… in essence, completion. 

It can also be useful to reflect on the timeline of lunar cycles. This Full Moon in Pisces marks a completion of a six month cycle that began with the New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024. 

Pisces is the final turn in the zodiacal wheel where the journey of self dissolves back into unity. Pisces is a mutable water sign of deep feeling, intuition, empathy, creativity, and flow. We can remember to be kind and gentle if we notice ourselves or others feeling more sensitive than usual.


Recommended Cacao for this Full Moon:

With all this intensity and change, it can be supportive to ground and balance our energy. For this reason, we recommend Mystical Mushroom as your companion through this full moon to support the wellness and optimal health of your earthly embodiment. 

Shop Mystical Mushroom


Lunar Learnings 

This full moon is distinct in a couple ways. It is a supermoon and partial lunar eclipse. A supermoon is when the moon is closer to earth and therefore the energies are felt to be more potent. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is partially covered by the earth’s shadow so the increased illumination we experience (psychically and literally) of a full moon may be partially obscured at this time. Eclipses can also be times of sudden and unexpected changes including beginnings and endings. We are encouraged to be patient and faithful in the mystery of what is being revealed in time. 

The moon at this time nearest the Autumn Equinox is known as the harvest moon. From the Farmer’s Almanac we learn that “unlike other full moons, this full moon rises at nearly the same time - around sunset - for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight and allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive”. Amidst any upheaval, we can find comfort amidst the rhythms of the earth and planets. 

All together, we can understand this full moon to be charged with the energies of reflecting upon what harvest we have reaped, identifying where we would like to grow from here, and surrendering with faith.  




Full Moon & Eclipse Ritual 

Set sacred space by tidying and energetically cleansing. You can light a candle, smoke cleanse with herb allies, and anoint your body with any ritual oils that support your process.

Prepare your cup of cacao with mindfulness and infuse it with your loving intentions. Have a journal and pen handy. Find yourself in a comfortable seat and enjoy a few deep cleansing breaths. 

Before you drink, offer your first sip of cacao to the earth with prayers of gratitude from your heart. Infuse your intentions into the cup and then take your first sip. As you drink, contemplate what you are grateful for in your life while really feeling into the energy in your body. 

Reflect upon your journey over the past six months, starting from the New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024. [Tip: It can be useful to review your journals or planners around this time]

Consider where you were at that time, what has grown, what has been released. Reflect on the blessings and the challenges during this time. Contemplate what you would like to carry forward into the next chapter of your life, and what you are ready to release.

After you’ve finished your cacao meditation, grab your journal and reflect on the following questions:

What am I grateful for? 

What was present for me in March 2024? 

What is occurring for me now?

What has grown into fruition?

What has been/is ready to release?

What do I want to put my energy towards? 

Who do I want to become?



Cacao love to the moon and back!

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