In this ritual report, you’ll discover key dates to connect with cacao in ritual this month. These dates are powerful touchstones to connect with cosmic energies that support our paths. Cacao is a beautiful ally through these gateways, to help us ground into the earth and anchor our awareness in our hearts. Below you’ll find the dates, recommended cacaos, and a little energetic forecast of what to expect. Read on for July ritual inspiration!
July Ritual Report
Friday, July 5th | New Moon in Cancer
Sunday, July 7th | World Chocolate Day
Sunday, July 21st | Full Moon in Capricorn
Monday, July 22nd | Leo Season Begins
Sunday, July 28th | Cacao Ceremony Facilitation Course begins!
July 5th | New Moon in Cancer
The New Moon in Cancer brings the energies of hearth, home, and nurturance to the forefront. Cancer is the archetype of the mother and also the crab, who carries their home on their back. You can tune into these energies to amplify and inform what kind of intentions you’re planting for yourself during this lunar cycle. Questions to consider: How do I nurture myself? How do I find home within myself? What kinds of practices can I incorporate to amplify these energies within myself?
July 7th | World Chocolate

World Chocolate Day celebrates the birth of chocolate in Europe in the 1500’s. On this day, we can acknowledge the history and pay homage to the origin of this worldwide delicacy, in the cacao that was first stewarded by Mesoamerican peoples in Central and South America.
All chocolate is derived from cacao and was first brought to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors. In some stories it was gifted to them and in others it was taken. It was brought to the Spanish courts where it was sugared and eventually gave birth to many chocolate producers that we know today. In this, we can acknowledge the challenging history and our deep well of gratitude for the original medicine carriers of cacao.
An ancient Mayan prophecy tells of a time when the world is in great need, “the Cacao Spirit will come out of the rainforest when the world goes into chaos, and help people reconnect to the magic wisdom of their hearts”. It is and has been true that there is much chaos in the world and a great need to return to the wisdom of our hearts. We thank cacao for supporting us in this remembrance.
Today is a great day to share a cup of cacao with your loved ones, to honor the lineage of cacao and its healthy properties, especially as distinct from the highly processed and sugared forms of chocolate available worldwide.
July 21st | Full Moon in Capricorn
This month’s full moon is in Capricorn, the same as it was last month! We have the opportunity to continue cultivating the overarching themes that began during June’s full moon.
Capricorn is the opposing sister sign of Cancer and represents the father and the sea goat. The sea goat is a unique composite of earth and water, representing a mastery of our emotions and the physical realm. Capricorn is also the builder, concerned with the daily meticulous steps towards building a long term vision into reality.
Questions to consider at this time: What kind of future am I building for myself? What are the daily habits, steps, rituals that support (or don’t) support this long term vision? How can I align my daily life towards this end?
Recommended Cacao Pick: Boundless Belize
The magical, expansive qualities of this cacao will support your visioning of your long term goals!
Shop Boundless Belize here!
July 22nd | Leo Season Begins
This month marks the sun’s shift into the sign of Leo, the lion and the performer. Leo is not afraid to shine, be seen, and take center stage. Leo can teach us about how to take up space unapologetically and let our unique essence be witnessed and appreciated by those around us. Questions to ponder at this transition: In what ways am I comfortable or uncomfortable with being seen? Are there spaces that I yearn to express myself more fully? In what ways can I expand my capacity to take up space, shine, and be seen for my gifts?
Recommended Cacao Pick: Oaxacan Spice
This cacao includes zesty add-ins of cinnamon, cardamom, cayenne, and ginger to support healthy functioning of your circulatory system and celebratory expansion of self!
Shop Oaxacan Spice here!
July 28th | Cacao Ceremony Facilitation Course

At the end of this month we will begin our next cohort of the Cacao Ceremony Facilitation Course. This is an excellent program for those looking to dive deep in their relationship and knowledge of cacao so they have a solid foundation and feel empowered to share this profound medicine with others. You can learn more and enroll at the link below.
Learn More / Enroll here!