Blessed full moon, dear cacao lovers! On August 19th we have the joy to celebrate the lunar fullness in the sign of Aquarius. We are offering a full moon ritual with cacao to connect with the energies present. 

In addition, we’ve also highlighted the wider astrological energies present to illuminate what themes might be alive for you at this time and inform your cacao ritual. Through these themes, we can illuminate aspects of our internal world that are mirrored in the cosmic landscape. 

Continue reading to connect with the astrological energies present and discover a cacao ritual to bring it all together. 


Energy Forecast for Today’s Full Moon in Aquarius

You may have heard us mention how full moons are a great time for celebration as well as release. This is true! But today we’d like to widen the scope and take into account some other astrological placements, the energy and themes, and how this can illuminate your personal journey. 

The Sun 

The Sun is currently in the sign of bold, courageous Leo. This month we’ve emphasized a strong focus on this energy as reflected in our Monthly Invocation of Authenticity (read the entire invocation at our blog here! <insert link>). The Sun represents our consciousness, which is the part of us that is present, aware, and accessible. 

The Moon 

The Moon, however, represents our subconscious or unconscious. These are the parts of our inner world that are more easily hidden or even repressed, such as the shadow. The moon is also the place of our core needs and desires for safety and emotional wellness. 

When we have a full moon, the sun’s light (consciousness) is fully reflected upon and visible upon her surface (subconsciousness). This convergence allows for greater illumination into our hidden worlds. 

Bringing It All Together 

It’s a great time to notice which signs the sun and moon are in, and explore how these themes have relevance to your journey. The moon currently resides in the sign of Aquarius, the complementary sister sign to Leo where the Sun currently resides. Whereas Leo emphasizes self expression, Aquarius emphasizes collective liberation. Aquarius can be bold too, rebellious even. But rather than a personal focus, that bold, liberating energy is leveraged to catapult humanity towards our next evolution. Whatever acts of bold demonstrations an Aquarius might be drawn to, it’s likely on behalf of the greater good rather than satisfying a drive towards emanating their individual flare. 

This newsletter would be remiss without acknowledging that our beloved cacao is a potent ally for this integration work, because she is tremendously  supportive at bringing loving, compassionate awareness through the underworld (which is the terrain of our subconscious depths). As such, it’s quite fitting to weave our cacao ritual in with these explorations. So, let’s begin!


Full Moon Ritual


Set the Space: Prepare yourself for ritual by tidying and energetically cleansing your space, lovingly preparing your cup of cacao, and making sure your journal and pen are handy. You can also light a candle, engage in breathwork, or burn ethically harvested herbs. 

Offer Gratitude: Give thanks to the land you are upon & the lands of the cacao, the abundance and substance of earth, and all the peoples and elemental forces that contributed to the blessing of this cup of cacao you currently hold. 

Set an Intention: Review the themes present in the Sun in Leo and Full Moon in Aquarius. You might ask yourself the following questions to get clearer on such intentions: 

  • What is my relationship with authentic self expression? 
  • What ways do I express myself for my own joy? 
  • What are the ways I express myself on behalf of a collective good? 
  • Are there any ways I desire to shift how I am showing up in these realms? 

When you’ve arrived at an intention, whisper this into your cup of cacao and begin to drink with mindful, grateful awareness. Sit with the cacao meeting your spirit and invite her to journey with you to the realms of the Sun and Moon. 

Journey to the Sun & Moon: Begin by sending a cord down from your root chakra to the heart of the earth. Feel yourself held, supported, and protected. Draw up this loving energy from Mother Earth through your cord, through the column of energy of your body, until it emerges blossoming from your crown chakra. Imagine that cacao is journeying with you this entire time (you might visualize her frothy brown creaminess rising through the energy centers of your body as you sip the light from the heart of the earth). Invite cacao and mother earth to support your crown opening to receive celestial guidance from the stars and planets. 

Listen and Receive: From here, just breathe and be open to receive guidance or inspiration in the forms of images, words, nudges, inner knowings, or simply the nurturance of silence. Setting a timer for at least 15 minutes can give you some spaciousness to drop into this space without having to track time. 

Reflect and Integrate: When the time has completed, record in your journal any insights or nuggets received during the journey. In addition, you might like to journal your responses to the above prompts. 

Close: To close your ritual, blow out your candle & visualize the drawing up of your cord from the heart of the earth and the continued seamless flow of energy from your root to crown with perfect grace as supported by your guides and allies. Offer your gratitude to the earth, the sun, the moon and sweet cacao for inspiring and supporting your journey. 


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