We have learned from our cacao farmers in Belize, who use regenerative agroforestry and permaculture techniques, that the full moon is the ideal time for harvesting cacao pods. Similarly in our internal worlds, the full moon is the perfect time to reflect on our personal journey and harvest the fruit. We are grateful for this time to tune into the celestial dance and sit with cacao, dropping in deeper with the collective themes. 

Continue reading to learn more about tomorrow’s Full Moon in Aries and discover a cacao and fire ritual to reflect and close out the chapter of the past six months, since the new moon in Aries solar eclipse in April. 


Full Moon in Aries | Astrology & Archetypes

Tomorrow’s full moon is colored by the energy of Aries: the I AM beginning and first of the zodiac, yang energy of spring, the trailblazer, the initiator, the warrior/ess. Aries guides us in the journey of self, independence, boundaries, passion, and pursuit of curiosity. 

During this full moon, we observe the planets of Mars and Pluto squaring the moon. This creates a sense of tension and conflict between these energies. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Mars rules our will, aggression, sex and assertion. Pluto rules transformation and the underworld of our psyches. In addition, the asteroid Chiron will be in Aries and conjunct this moon. Chiron represents the archetype of the wounded healer. This conjunction amplifies both the energies of Aries and Chiron. 

While the moon which represents our inner worlds is in this energy, the sun which represents our personality is in Libra. This is Aries’ opposite sister sign and is concerned with harmony, relationship, and balance. One could say we are inspired by the lunar aspect to dig deeper into ourselves and the solar aspect to see how it applies in our relationships. 

Together, this energy invites us into deeper awareness of the wounds we’ve carried and how they hold the portals to our greatest transformation and gifts. 

Significantly, this full moon is the chapter closure of a 6 month cycle since the new moon in Aries and solar eclipse in April of this year. 

Full Moon Aries | Fire & Cacao Ritual 


  • Have a fireproof cauldron/bowl handy (you can use a stainless steel pot or if you have a working fireplace or firepit use this), bucket of water, a lighter, pen, and sheets of paper to burn & any herbs to offer to fire.
  • Have any calendars or journals that allow you to review since April 8, 2024 for a sense of this lunar cycle in your life. 

In preparation for this ritual:

  • Tidy and energetically cleanse your space for ritual. 
  • Lovingly prepare your ceremonial cacao. 


Begin your cacao ritual with gratitudes and land acknowledgment. Bring the cacao to your heart and offer gratitude to the cacao spirit, the lands it comes from, and all the elements and peoples that brought us this medicine. Offer your first sip to the lands you are upon. 

As you drink your cacao, review your calendar/journal and reflect on what has been present in your life since April 8, 2024. Look for common threads and themes and record these in your journal. 

Upon completing drinking your cacao, take time to meditate and reflect on what you’ve just discovered and where you are currently at in your life. Notice if any common threads emerge. 

Reflect specifically on anything that has come to completion, is ready to be released, and what you’d like to transform - especially in the realms of your relationship with self, relationship with others, and any wounds in healing. Write any of these topics on the sheets to be burned. 

In an outdoor space with the bucket of water nearby, light each sheet on fire, placing it in the steel pot or fireplace. By invoking the fire, you are inviting energies of transformation, release, and closure to whatever you have written on your paper and burn. Water can be used for safety to put out any flames, otherwise it is wise to let the fire extinguish of its own accord and can offer small amounts of herbs to feed the fire in gratitude. Extinguished ashes can be buried in the earth to be offered for further transmutation. 

Upon closure, offer gratitude again to cacao, the elements, the cosmos, and all the benevolent beings that support us in our journey of transformation. Remain open to the mystery of how our ritual and dialogue with the elements supports us in our process of healing and transformation. 


Have plans on Tuesday?

Join us for our weekly virtual cacao ceremonies.

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