The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of change, shifts, and new beginnings. We are entering the phase of the year in which growth is palpable all around, within, and without.

This invocation honors this energy while honoring life in its fullness. Reminding us to stay steady in the heart, no matter what phase in life we are in. The word we feel most drawn to for March is EXPANSION.

May these words be a guiding light for you in this next month. We invite you to sit with it daily before sipping your cacao or any time you need these words to remind you of the beauty of expansion and contraction.

Invocation Of The Month | March

Thank you for these times of sacred expansion.
As I breathe in, and feel my lungs open, may I expand my capacity to feel the fullness of life manifest in me.
As I exhale, and feel the contraction of my body, I remember that in this dance, turning inward is a potent ally that keeps me balanced as I emerge.
And in this balanced dance of expansion and contraction, teach me the ways of honoring what has been lived -shadow and light - so that I may continue forth as a shining beacon of compassion and unconditional love - food for the soul.
Today, I choose to honor life as the wise one.
Today, I recognize myself as a thread in this great tapestry of life, therefore awakening to the wisdom that I too hold.
May this wisdom, endowed to me by that which is greater than the mind can grasp, but wholly known by the heart, direct me to my inner vision so that I may lead from this place of truth, congruence, and trust.
I calmly rest in knowing that contraction can be the vehicle to the greatest expansion.
And from this space, I am grateful for the blessing of sacred expansion.
I humbly accept the truth of my heart, the truth of love, and the truth of life in all its ways, in all ways, always.

Have plans on Tuesday?

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