Happy spring equinox! We love working with cacao to connect us to the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth. In celebration of this turning point, we’re sharing a meditation to pair with your cacao ritual. 

Continue reading to discover the spring equinox meditation and see our recommended cacao and mushroom pairing to support your health through this seasonal shift.

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Marking The Equinox

The equinox occurs tomorrow March 20th and marks the beginning of Spring for the Northern Hemisphere, and Autumn for the Southern Hemisphere. The etymological roots of the word are “equus” and “nox”, meaning equal night as on this day the amount of light and dark is completely balanced.

With the Spring Equinox we welcome the return of the Sun and lighter, longer days. It’s also a time of increased vitality and a time to emerge from winter hibernation. This shift coincides with the zodiacal start of Aries season and the energy of the sprouting bud that pushes through the soil to face the sun. 

This is an excellent time to clear stagnant energy, do a detox or cleanse for your health, tend to new ventures, and harness your optimism. 

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Spring Equinox Meditation

Prepare yourself a cup of cacao (see our recommendation below!) and tidy a space for meditation and que up one of your favorite uplifting songs to play. (We recommend “Here Comes The Sun” by The Beatles)

Before you sip your cacao, infuse your cup with gratitude, affirmations, glimmers, and memories that inspire you and light you up. 

Begin to visualize your cup filling with golden sunlight. Imagine this golden light overflowing the cup, and covering you with golden sunshine. 

As you begin to drink, play your chosen song and imagine the golden light filing your insides and radiating out. Allow yourself to bathe in this golden energy to the length of your favorite song. 

When complete, journal on what you charged your cup with and how it made you feel to imbibe and embody it!

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Recommended Cacao & Mushroom Pairing: Vibrant Vitality + Cordyceps

We love to pair Vibrant Vitality with Cordyceps for the Spring Equinox. The full serving of Maca in the Vibrant Vitality supports stamina and hormone balancing, while the ashwagandha rejuvenates the body and alleviates stressors and inflammation, and tumeric supports immunity. 

Shop Vibrant Vitality

The cacao helps carry the medicinal properties of the Cordyceps mushrooms. Cordyceps supports physical performance, energy levels, and respiratory health. Together, they make a perfect spring tonic to support your launch into rebirth and rejuvenation. 

Shop Cordyceps

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