Renewal, intention-setting, bringing light into the darkness, reigniting - this is what the energy of the upcoming Spring Equinox is all about.

The turning of the season invites us to envision how we’d like the year to take shape externally, drawing from all of the internal work and visioning we did in the winter months. In astrology and even many other ancient traditions, the new year truly begins around this time. Because of this, it’s a wonderful time to do a self-check in.

Below we share some reflections for you to spend time with during the equinox along with a cup of cacao, and if you’re feeling called to something even deeper, a sweet cacao ritual!

Spring Equinox Reflections

  • What are you ready to release and what are you ready to call in, in its place?

  • Take a few moments to recapitulate the past three months of winter. Did you take the time you needed to slow down and rest? What did you love most about this time, and what wisdom do you have for your future-self next winter?

  • What do you wish to see begin to sprout and bloom in you during this new season?

  • Imagine yourself three to six months from now. How would you like to feel? What would you like to be doing? What feels most aligned to you?

Spring Cacao Ritual Recommendations

Connect With Yourself, Connect With Nature

Take yourself on a nature date - go for a gentle hike along with a cup or thermos of cacao and a journal and pen.. Before beginning your walk, pour a little bit of cacao on the Earth and offer a prayer of gratitude for the new energy arriving with this new season. Set the intention of taking in the energy of renewal as you walk and sip on your cacao. Use this time as a walking meditation in which you allow cacao to guide your heart  - see what your heart feels called to observe as you notice all the ways nature is shifting with the new season. Notice how that reflects within you too. Once you get to your destination, sit down and journal your observations & the answers to the reflections above.

Celebrate Life & Renewal With Community

Plan ahead and gather with some friends for a Spring Equinox celebration with cacao! Gather flowers & objects from nature to create a collective altar representing the energy of spring. Prepare your favorite cacao to share together. If you feel called, you may even wish to guide a short meditation practice for everyone to visualize the new life they wish to call in. Open up the space for sharing, and you can all take a sip of cacao in honor of each person’s prayer!

Wishing you an exquisite celebration of life!

Have plans on Tuesday?

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