On November 4th, we officially launched our rebrand and announcement of Ora Cacao! If you missed it, you can read what we shared on our blog here. 

Today, we're excited to share with you the meaning of Ora and the process we went through to make this vision come true.

Jonas shares:

"Perhaps most obvious to English speakers is the phonetic similarity to "aura," the human energy field, or subtle body - something I'm frequently aware of when in cacao ceremony.

Ora is also quite close to the Spanish word for gold, "oro"; I believe this is where the name's origins entered my consciousness. In March 2018, while visiting our cacao farmers in Guatemala, one of them told us, "Cacao es nuestro Oro" (cacao is our gold). That phrase reverberated deep in my soul. He was speaking not just to the livelihood that cacao gives them but also to how it connects them to their ancestors, how they use it as medicine, how they have cultural celebrations with it, and how they connect with cacao and the land spiritually, amidst so much more. You'll notice some little touches of gold on our packaging to honor this origin! 


"In addition, I've learned that in both Spanish and Latin, 'ora' is derived from the word 'orare,' which means "to pray for." Definitely, something I do quite often in cacao ceremony! 

And lastly, I also learned that Ora is the feminine form of divine light in Hebrew, so it can be understood as divine feminine light, which cacao most certainly is!"

The Journey of Conception to Change

Even after we first received the name Ora, we took over a year longer to conceive a new logo, design for the packaging, photography, and a complete overhaul of our website to share this new energy. 

Jonas shares: "I feel immense gratitude for the many talented people who offered their feedback and creativity along the way. Exactly the right team showed up for the task as we patiently stewarded the blossoming of this new name." 

We're ecstatic to share Ora Cacao with you today, knowing that this name came to us in a patient process of ceremony with cacao, from the Earth, and from the farmers who grow our cacao. 

It also turns out the timing is just right! With this launch, we're marking the seventh anniversary since we opened our very first chocolate production space, in November 2014!

We are now fully moved out of that first space and hard at work building our expansive new space, twenty minutes away from our original spot and four times more room. It's a new home for the vision of ceremonial cacao transforming the chocolate industry as we know it.

We hope you enjoy our new look, and we look forward to sharing more about Ora Cacao as we continue to publish fresh content to the website in the weeks to come!

P.S. Shout out to our community members who've taken the time to reach out about any bugs or glitches on the new site! We truly appreciate you and your support as we go through this transition! 

Logistical Reminder

We will need all of your help letting our community and the world beyond know that we are now Ora Cacao! If you notice any bugs or glitches on our new website, please let us know at our new support email support@oracacao.com. 

Thank you for the help! We'll be continuing using the domain https://ceremonial-cacao.com and Instagram @cacaoceremony for the remainder of 2021. 

You can also now type in oracacao.com, and it will redirect you to our website. However, we won't make the permanent change of URL for another little while as that’s quite complicated! 

As always, we're here to help answer any questions or concerns you may have. So please feel free to reach out to us; we love hearing from you! 

Love, gratitude, & cacao,

Jonas & the Ora Cacao Family

Our Recommendations:

Glowing Guatemala 100% Ceremonial Cacao

Vibrant Vitality 100% Ceremonial Cacao

Boundless Belize 100% Ceremonial Cacao

*Important: 🚚 We are now back to our regular shipping schedule w/out ice packs now that the weather is cooling back down!

📦 Orders ship Monday through Thursday without ice packs. 

🕰️ Thursday @ 1pm PT is the last order time to make the above shipping window. 

🏡 Bring your package inside as soon as you can after it is delivered!

📲 We recommend opting in for text message delivery notifications; to do this, enter your phone number at checkout and you will receive updates on your cacao!

Join Us! Firefly Community - FREE Weekly Virtual Cacao Ceremonies

From our cacao community member @amayalma

Tuesdays at 1 PM PST (via Zoom)

Cacao brings us together and creates authentic group connections. Come experience cacao with people from around the world in a safe welcoming space. Click here to sign up and see more details! 

Let's Be Friends!

Text +1 (844) 695-0043 for a more intimate cacao conversation.  

You'll get access to the Firefly Family, our private circle where we share exclusive promotions, cacao ritual insights, exciting product updates, and more.

Have plans on Tuesday?

Join us for our weekly virtual cacao ceremonies.

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