Welcome to your October 2022 Ritual Report!

In our Monthly Ritual Report, we tune into the astrological energies of the month and, at times, internationally and nationally celebrated days. Through these understandings, we can spark inspiration and create cacao rituals that help us align with the natural cycles of the Earth.

In addition, we recommend specific cacaos to support your intentions on these special days.

How do you like to create ritual? We'd love to hear from you! Let us know by sending us a message to support@oracacao.com :)

October Ritual Report

  • National Forgiveness & Happiness Day| Oct. 7th
  • Full Moon In Aries | Oct. 9th
  • World Mental Health Day | Oct. 10th
  • National I Love You Day | Oct. 14th

Cacao Ritual - Inspiration & Suggestions

National Forgiveness & Happiness Day | October 7th

This day was created to celebrate the happiness, joy, and freedom that forgiveness can bring into our lives. No matter who you are, nobody is exempt from having been hurt by another or from having hurt another. One of the best ways to heal and transmute an experience that has left you feeling that you’ve been wronged is through forgiving. Wisdom throughout cultures has always taught that the act of forgiving is important to live a healthy life, and now science has proven it too. In a study performed in 2017, it was found that a disposition toward intentional forgiveness produced a better sense of mental well-being, an increase in positive emotions, spiritual growth, and “a sense of meaning and purpose in life as well as a greater sense of empowerment.”

To honor this day, prepare a cup of Glowing Guatemala to soften into your heart, and explore if there is anything it is time for you to let go of and forgive or if there is anyone you may wish to apologize to. A great practice to accompany this day is the practice of Ho’oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. You can listen to a version of this practice here.

October 9th | Full Moon In Aries

This Aries Full Moon has the power to bring awareness to all that has been weighing you down. It is an opportunity for release before the Eclipse season begins with the end of the month’s new moon. So, since Aries is fiery, and things can get heated, tune into your inner warrior and use movement as your medicine. A cup of Mystical Mushroom cacao could be ideal for helping you get grounded and in your body as you identify where you are storing that which is ready to be let go of.

World Mental Health Day | October 10th

This year’s World Mental Health Day is themed “Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority.” This theme continues to remind us that our world is facing many challenges and that caring for ourselves is more important than ever. Observe this day by making time to be intentional in your self-care routine. Then, with a cup of Glowing Guatemala, ask yourself what you need in order to cultivate harmony within your mental health. You may also wish to read this compilation of self-care quotes for inspiration. Putting your best foot forward in the world and being of service in your highest capacity begins with a healthy and fulfilled YOU.

National I Love You Day | October 14th

Unlike Valentine’s Day, which is focused on romantic relationships, National I Love You Day was created in honor of love expressed in all its ways throughout all our relations. Love is the most powerful force we can experience as humans and has the strength to transmute all. On this day, we recommend a cup of Thriving Tanzania to tune into the love you cherish in your life. Write out a list of all the people you love, how they have impacted you, and how you have felt loved throughout your life so far.

Wishing you a magical start to October!

October Ritual Cacao

Glowing Guatemala 100% Pure Ceremonial Cacao

Mystical Mushroom Enhanced 100% Ceremonial Cacao

Thriving Tanzania 100% Pure Ceremonial Cacao

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