Earlier this week we experienced the Autumn Equinox on September 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere. The word ‘equinox’ is derived from two Latin words that convey its meaning, ‘aequus’ for equal and ‘nox’ for night. On these days, the night and day share an equal measure of time. 

This day marks the turning of the seasonal wheel as we welcome autumn, a time to  slow down, harvest, nest, and prepare for the approach of winter. 

At this time we may experience a shift away from the extroverted, heightened activity and strong yang energy of summer towards the more reflective, slower, nourishing yin energy of fall and winter. This can also be translated into balancing the masculine and feminine energetics within ourselves associated with the sun and moon respectively. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, the energies are reversed as the spring quickens. 

Cosmically, the start of Libra season signals a time of prioritizing beauty, balance, and harmony in our relationships and self expression. 

This is an excellent opportunity to connect with the themes of beauty and balance in one’s life as mirrored in nature. 


Breathwork Cacao Ritual for Beauty & Balance



Prepare your space for ritual by tidying, energetically cleansing, and decorating the space and yourself with what you find beautiful and pleasing. Some ideas include adorning with fresh flowers, rose petals, art, body oils, and soft fabrics.  

Have a timer handy and a journal/pen/art supplies for integration. 

Prepare your cup of cacao with love and mindfulness. Infuse it with intentions of beauty, balance, and whatever else is true and present for you. Before your first sip and throughout drinking your cacao, take time to admire the beauty of cacao with all of your senses.  

After completing your cacao, find a comfortable seat to begin a balancing breathwork exercise.  


Balancing Breathwork Exercise

Begin deepening your breath and lowering your gaze or closing your eyes. 

Take a scan of your body from top to bottom, noticing any areas of tension and breathing into them to soften more fully. After taking a physical sensation scan, hold in your mind’s eye the awareness of your entire body. Take a moment to think of a couple affirmations and gratitudes about yourself that feel supportive to give to yourself. 

From here, set a timer for 2 minutes and press the outside of your left nostril with your left thumb. Breathing in and out through your right nostril through the solar channel of your body. This activates your sympathetic nervous system, which can feel activating as it arouses and responds to stimuli. 

After time, restart for 2 minutes and press the outside of your right nostril with your right thumb and breathe in and out of your left nostril through the lunar channel. This activates your parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for rest and digestion. 

Set another 2 minute timer and breathe with equal length inhales and exhales, counting to 5 as you inhale and then counting to 5 as you exhale, in through the nose and out through the mouth. 

Afterwards, set a 2 minute timer to breathe with ease and without restriction, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

When complete and when you feel ready, gently begin to move and reorient to the space you are in. From here, you’re invited to journal or create art inspired by your experience in this ritual of offering yourself more beauty and balance. 


Suggested Prompts include:

  • Journaling:
    • How did my system feel after a balancing breathwork practice?
    • Was there anything notable when I activated either the solar or the lunar channel?
    • How do I already incorporate beauty & balance in my life?
    • In what ways can I invite more beauty and balance in my daily life?
    • What do I find beautiful to adorn space and myself?
    • What are the qualities of cacao that I find most beautiful?
  • Creating Art:
    • Dance: Put on a song that inspires you to dance and convey your experience through movement, coming to a place of stillness and reflection at the end
    • Music: Compose a song using voice and/or instruments that reflects your feelings during this ritual or changing times 
    • Poetry: Write a poem that honors the beauty and balance you are finding this season
    • Painting: Draw or paint a subject of beauty in your world - such as a self portrait, a symbolic representation of the spirit of cacao, the changing seasons
    • Photography: Capture the changing season around you, print the pictures, and create a collage


Happy Equinox cacao family! 

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