We hope you’ve been enjoying and feeling the potency of this month’s Cacao Challenge, Awaken Your Inner Power.

We began our journey by focusing on empowering affirmations, and moved into crafting your very own Personal Empowerment Ritual.

Now, it’s time to kindle the flame that will illuminate the path to your empowered self with a future self visualization practice for the week.

Before we begin, take a moment to reflect on how you feel. Have you noticed any shifts in you since you began this challenge? Perhaps write that down in your journal!

Recommended Cacao

We recommend Oaxacan Spice or Vibrant Vitality for the month of August to bring in the energies of fire, passion, and vibrancy!

If you love a bit of heat, go for Oaxacan Spice; if you’re looking for nervous system regulation with stamina support, Vibrant Vitality can be a great ally.

Awaken Your Inner Power With Ceremonial Cacao

Week 3: Reflect and Visualize Your Future Self

This week we’re going to do things a bit differently. The journey will be broken down into five days. Each day we invite you to do one simple yet profound and illuminating exercise, of course with your cacao in hand, so that you do it from the most open-heart and self-aware place.


Each day, prepare a meditation dose of ceremonial cacao (20-30 discs) to accompany you in your reflections. Be sure to be in a peaceful and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.

Each day, as you sip your cacao, set an intention to open the way to envisioning your empowered self with clarity and purpose.

Daily Cacao Visualizations to Awaken Your Inner Power

Day 1:

Reflect on Your Journey

Today, begin by sipping on your cacao as you state your top three affirmations from last week. Take deep breaths between each sip, allowing the warmth of the cacao to spread through your body, connecting to your inner self.

Now, open your journal and begin reflecting on your journey so far. Write about your past accomplishments, your challenges overcome, and the lessons you've learned along the way. Celebrate your growth and resilience. Allow yourself to write (or record if you prefer to record) freely and without judgment.

A fun way to close could be to put on the playlist you created last week and celebrate yourself with some dancing! 🕺 💃 😄

Day 2: Gratitude and Appreciation

Just as you did on Day 1, begin by sipping your cacao as you state your top three affirmations from last week. As the cacao begins to make its way through you, invite it to bring you into the energy of gratitude.

Now, open up your journal and read what you wrote yesterday (or listen to if you recorded). Take time to appreciate your entire journey. Recognize just how amazing it is that you’ve come this far, no matter where you are in life right now! Being a human is no easy feat, can you recognize just how powerful you are?

After you’ve finished reading your own incredible journey, hold your cacao cup in your hands and close your eyes. Take a moment to express gratitude for the experiences that have shaped you and the strength that has carried you through difficult times. If you feel called, write what you’re grateful for in your journal.

Day 3: Future Self Visualization

Today’s exercise invites you to visualize yourself six months, one year, five years, or more, ahead of this moment! Begin by opening up your cacao ritual the way you have in the past two days only this time, set an intention to connect to your future self.

Put on your self-empowerment playlist and sip your cacao as you begin to loosen up and move from your head into your heart. When you feel ready, get into a comfortable seated position, finish drinking your cacao and put on this meditation. It will guide you into meeting your future self in a loving and relaxing way.

Finish by writing down what you envisioned, as detailed as possible is best..

If you don’t want to do the guided meditation and would like to lead yourself, simply envision yourself (in a future time of your choice), empowered, living confidently and with purpose. What does this look like and feel like to you?

Day 4: Creating Affirmations For The Future Self

Now that you’ve taken the time to reflect on your past, given thanks to your present state, and envisioned your future self, it’s time to create new affirmations.

After preparing your space and cacao, look back at your reflections from yesterday’s visualization exercise. Feel the cacao activate within you and awaken your senses. As that occurs and you read about your future self, begin to create affirmations that align you with your vision. You may wish to write them nicely on a piece of paper that you can hang up somewhere you will see everyday.

Day 5: Your Personal Empowerment Ritual

Day 5 is simple, begin your day with the ritual you created for yourself last week, and infuse your cacao with the new affirmations that you created yesterday. ✨

Thanks for joining this journey!

Have plans on Tuesday?

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