Hongos místicos


Maitake, Oyster & Shiitake

La mezcla de este alquimista culinario de nuestros extractos de champiñones 1:1 de cuerpo fructífero de mejor sabor está simultáneamente repleta de beneficios medicinales que estimulan su sistema inmunológico. Prepara sopas dignas de antojo, batidos de superalimentos o barritas energéticas caseras. ¡Bebe caliente en bebidas como cacao o café o chai! Mientras tanto, apoyando su salud...

✓ Always grown outdoors in hoop houses, not in labs.

✓ Triple tested for safety & Mushroom compounds


1062mg per serving

Serving size |

1 serving is 3 grams = 75 servings per package. We recommend 1-3 servings per day.

Storage |

Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Shelf life is 3 years.

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Free US Shipping over $75 Responsive Customer Support Triple Lab Tested Certified USDA Organic Always grown outdoors

Fruiting Body 1:1 Water Extracted Organic Vegan Non-GMO No Grain No Starch No Fillers

Fruiting Body 1:1 Water Extracted Organic Vegan Non-GMO No Grain No Starch No Fillers

  • Maitake


  • Oyster


  • Shiitake


Why do we offer a 1:1 extract?

Fruiting body mushrooms must be prepared properly for them to be bioavailable. Similar to ceremonial cacao, we believe that nothing should be added or removed. 

Pre-digesting the mushrooms with water extraction is a process that makes them more bioavailable than the raw mushrooms on their own.

A 1:1 extract starts by finely milling dried mushrooms. This powder is extracted for three hours in hot water at 80 C. After this extraction, much of the water is evaporated to produce a concentrated fluid. This fluid still contains the mushroom powder. This powder-filled fluid is sent to a spray drier which creates a fine powder. 

The most important takeaway of this process is the fact that the raw material is never separated from the extraction fluid.  This means that nothing from the original mushroom is lost or discarded.

Water extraction mobilizes the soluble beta-glucans and most other nutritional compounds from the fiber. Research has shown that the most immunologically active compounds in mushrooms are the soluble beta-glucans.

Why fruiting body only?

Sadly, the majority of the mushroom powders out on the market today use mycelium grown on a grain substrate that is allowed to be ground up (inclusive of the grain), and all together marketed as mushroom. 

Why is this bad? What most people actually want is the fruiting body. That’s the part we see; the mushroom, and it concentrates many of the health benefits.

However, mycelium is a different stage in the life cycle than the fruiting body, so it doesn’t offer nearly the same benefits. Mycelium when grown commercially also can't be separated from the grain it is grown on, so people are consuming a lot of starch filler.

It turns out the beta glucan testing, which purportedly shows the medicinal value of a mushroom product, also picks up on grain beta glucans. 

Unless you use a more advanced mushroom specific beta glucan test, it’s the starch beta glucans that are making the myceliated grain products look good!

That’s why we are really clear. No starch. No grains. No filler. Only fruiting body. And advanced testing to prove it.

Explore the world of fungi

Fungus Lifecycle Basics Sourcing Quality Mushrooms Testing For Fungal Compounds

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